
This is just a little look into the travels of a young Irish woman, who's having the time of her life.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Since the last update, well we all done a bungy jump from 50meters it was terrifying but when i eventually done it, it was an amazing feeling I didn't even close my eye's. I'll never forget it when I think about it I still can't believe I done it. We all signed up for it and steven went 1st and as he put it "to get it over and done with" well it was so hard to watch him he was terrified up there and we were terrified watching him. In the end the guy up there pushed him but not without his say so, then donna went again she had to be pushed but she didn't take as long to go over the edge!
Of course it came to my turn well I was talking to they guy and trying to find excuses not to jump, he said to me stand up and hold on to the railing then step out to the edge so i done that then he goes no right on the edge i was like wat do you mean the edge i could fall WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING I HAVE TO JUMP OVER THE EDGE BUT I DON'T WANT TO STAND TO CLOSE SO I DON'T FALL OVER THE EDGE. CLEVER ME! then he said he would push me, but i wouldn't let go of the railing, after alot of talking I finally let go and he counted down 3...2...1 WWWWOOOOOOOO THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING!!!!
I'm so glad i done it was just amazing!

But of course, alan's turn he goes up the guy goes you ready he says yes then 3.....2.....1.... alan goes now he says yes and off alan goes amazing so cool !!!

Other than that we are in chang mai it so much nicer here than bangkok we rented bikes and cycled around the city seen a few temples and things quite alot of fun!!

oh don't know if i told ye we have booked our tickets to india, visa awaiting but we leave on the 4th of september for a few weeks should be great!

going trekking next week and visiting a few tribal villages!
well i'll up date you soon again!


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